Saturday, September 27, 2008

So my friend Stephanie and I decided we were going to do a Turbo Kick Boot Camp, it's 3 nights a week for 6 weeks and holy cow it just about kicked my butt the first week! But we just finished up week 2 and I am loving it! I've seriously never sweated so much in my life! My hair is dripping when we are done, gross but true! Anyways, I decided I'm going to be sad when it's over because I'm not great at exercising and if it weren't for Steph I probably wouldn't of made it just for the fact that there are always 50 things I could be doing, but we have alot of fun and some great talks in our cars after. Brandt thinks the class lasts till ten but we really get done at nine and we talk till ten! Nobody tell ok!? Also, football is over! YEA! I am so tired of football 5 days a week, it was fun and all but so glad to be done. Now we start fall league fast pitch softall, McKenna and McKayla have double headers on Saturdays in Brigham City, they both lost today but hopefully next week they'll do better! It's kind of tricky for me cuz they play at the same times on different teams but the fields are close together so I stand between the two fields and yell both ways! I'll take pictures next week and post them. I think that's all that is new in our life, just for the record the new swing has made our house the neighborhood park so everyone who warned me that I would have neighbor kids 24/7 you were right! Even if my kids are inside there's kids playing on my swing set. So now I'm getting a fence! I'll outsmart em if it kills me! haha


Anonymous said...

What a woman! I need to desperately get my but going like that! You're amazing! Lets start planning the New York Trip!

Kim said...

That sounds like a class I need!! It's too bad I don't live up there so I could go too. Tryce is so excited to see the spider costume!! And you know half the time I would let you have him! We'll see you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen! It's Debi (Johnson) Lyman! I'm so glad I found your blog! I love reading about your kids- it sounds all too familiar!! It sounds like things are going great! I'll start checking back often!

Natalie said...

smart kids can find any way around a fence! awesome on the workout -- you're already skinny, that would be my excuse for not working out!